Dayna Barrett
Dayna Barrett

About Dayna

Dayna Barrett grew up in South Florida with sister Cereta Roberts. She attended Florida International University and is currently helping small businesses grow and prosper with new revolutionary technology for point of sale equipment. Dayna has been studying astrology, human design, angelology, detoxification of the body and the art of self care for the past decade. She has earned a certification from Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine in angel card reading and realm reading. She has the ability to connect you to the answers you are seeking with the help from your angels. She is a dedicated lightworker who works with Angels, ascended masters and the soul realms to wake up fellow friends of the light out of the shadows and homogenized social vices into their life purpose. The gift of reconnecting with your souls life plan for you and back on your path is a wonderful blessing to bestow on another soul.

Are you ready to heed their loving advice and embark on your life changing journey as a lightworker?