I would like to extend a warm welcome to anyone who has landed here from cyberspace. This page is a well of healing to anyone who seeks solace and nurturing. My blog is about healing–all aspects of healing. Healing, for me is not any one specific thing, it represents wholeness of being.
Healing is needed in great quantities at this time in our Earth’s evolution. The human spirit has lived for too long in a state of distortion. That time of distortion is now ending and being replaced by a new way of being, a new consciousness. In order for our world to change, first we as individuals must change. The changes that are needed come about through healing.
Healing the body—Our bodies are sacred, precious vehicles through which our souls experience life. Yet we receive so many messages from the media and society that our bodies must look a certain way, be dressed a certain way and smell a certain way to be “acceptable.” Healing the body means discarding these narrow and unrealistic parameters about our physicality and learning to LOVE our bodies. We learn to revel in all of the rounded curves, dimples, unique features and scent. We honor the way our bodies move and how intelligent our organ systems are. The human body, our body, is a life form that is so perfectly designed it will always trump any of our most “modern” technologies. Love your body, give it what it needs to be whole, and you begin the path to healing the body.
Healing the mind— Our minds contain within them the possibility for vast knowledge and awareness. The human mind is a highly complex entity, capable of accessing the limitless field of information that exists. Our human minds, however, have been limited for a long time by dogma, strict belief systems and mental structures that were put in place by authority figures. Our minds have been told what to think for so long that most people have forgotten the true ability and nature of the mind. The human mind has as its most powerful gift the ability to QUESTION. To ask questions about reality and whether or not the accepted way of thinking is actually based on truth. Healing the mind begins by simply questioning your thinking patterns. Have you really ever sat down and analyzed why you think the way you do? It may come as a surprise that all your life you “thought” something was true but when you actually questioned it, the validity you once gave that thought falls away. Try it. Begin to heal your mind.
Healing the Soul—The soul is the spritual aspect of our triune selves. It is the unlimited, immortal, and all knowing part of us that comes to Earth for the main purpose of having EXPERIENCES. It is the nature of the soul to evolve through experiences. If you can look back over your life and zero in on the times when you had a challenging or downright painful experience, then you will also find that in those times were when you learned very important lessons about yourself. Those rough experiences, where it seemed like darkness was all around you, those were the times when your soul GREW the most. In healing the soul, we begin to acknowlege that within every experience we have on our journey there is good and bad, pleasure and pain, light and darkness. Growth comes from the awareness that trying to put each experience into a little box of “good vs bad” doesn’t really work. The true view is to see the positive and negative aspect of all things. Our soul comes here to have the human experience, in all of its highs and lows—and to truly FEEL and BE those experiences. Heal your soul by loving and accepting everything you have gone through, and be proud of your soul for having the courage to live through the experience of being a human.
Aloha! Love Cereta
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